
brick-flooring-outdoor-kitchen-design-ideasEach outdoor kitchen project is unique, including the way it is constructed. Two of the most common options are to use concrete block or brick. Let’s take a closer look at these two options.

Concrete Block

Concrete block is a good route if you’re looking for customization. First and foremost, a solid, level platform must be built. Concrete is affordable, easy to work with, and water and fire resistant. Decorative concrete panels, stucco, tile, and stone are all suitable facing materials for an outdoor kitchen constructed with concrete block.


Brick is also highly customizable and an added benefit is that it doesn’t need to be faced with another type of stone. The brick gives the kitchen a beautiful finish on its own. Brick kitchens will need to be constructed on a concrete slab, however. Constructing an outdoor kitchen with brick can be complicated and time consuming. However, the end result will be structurally sound and will hold up to the elements for many years with almost no maintenance.

Building an outdoor kitchen out of brick requires some heavy-duty masonry skills though, so if you don’t have considerable experience building with bricks and mortar, you should hire a contractor who does.

With both of these options, you will be able to layout your kitchen any way you like and include as few, or as many, appliances and accessories as you wish.

Have fun planning your outdoor kitchen. With proper planning and budgeting, it can become a welcome retreat and change of scenery spring through fall.